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Pretty cool game, I enjoyed it a lot more than I though I would.

Game run in 20/30 fps but I still had fun. The slowmo effects were cool. and enemy variety was good for this little section of the game.

The only thing that took me a bit to grasp were those spheres that allow you to dash again because clicking right after collecting one not always starts a dash but after some time I realized I was supposed to start holding space before collecting it.

Overall pretty good job.

Thank you for the feedback! I’m glad that you enjoyed the game.

Sorry that it ran around 20/30 FPS. I tried to make this thing as performance light as I could, to the point where it was running at 42 FPS on my Mac. Did you use the Windows or the Mac version of the game? Mac version would make sense since there are some things I needed to change in order to make it look the same as the Windows version at the cost of performance.

The Dash Restore part was also a bit tricky to teach. What I could’ve done is have more signs and make the existing signs bigger of when you get your dash back, like in Doom Eternal. That way it’s a lot clearer and easier for players to get what it does.

Once again, thank you for your feedback! It really helps.